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Used wastewater treatment

Used wastewater treatment plant for the textile industry.
Complete with some extras cost-saving for sale.
Please contact us for more details.

UVELOX in Malawi

Mit Hilfe von Uvelox soll es künftig Unterstützung für eine verbesserte Trinkwasserversorgung in Malawi geben

Am 14. September 2011 trafen sich Uwe Thuß, Geschäftsführer der UVion concept GmbH & Co. KG,
H. E. Prof. Dr. Isaac C. Lamba, Botschafter der Republik Malawi in Berlin, sowie der CDU Bundestagsabgeordnete Frank Heinrich in Chemnitz.
Thema war die aktuelle Situation der Wasserversorgung in Malawi und welche Projekte mit UVELOX unterstützt werden können, um die dortige Versorgung mit Trinkwasser und die Abwasseraufbereitung zu verbessern.
So möchte sich UVionconcept unter anderem im Bereich der Sanierung der bestehenden
Abwasserinfrastruktur Malawis und der Errichtung von Abwasseranlagen
in neu errichteten Siedlungen einbringen. Mit Hilfe der UVELOX Technologie kann besonders die ländliche Bevölkerung Malawis Trinkwasser sehr preiswert aus verseuchten Flüssen und Seen herstellen. Häufige Ursache für Krankheiten und Kindersterblichkeit in Afrika ist, dass es an wenigen Liter sauberem Trinkwasser für Familien fehlt. Hierzu wurde zwischen den Gesprächspartnern eine Zusammenarbeit besprochen.

Industrial waste water

The industry is booming, but people still act recklessly with resources, especially with water. Almost every industry uses water for the production, but the waste water is led back into the environment not purified.

The industry is booming, but people still act recklessly with resources, especially with water. Almost every industry uses water for the production, but the waste water is led back into the environment not purified. Large production facilities led their waste water untreated, or not purified enough into the rivers and seas. Because of that, more and more chemical and biological pollution enters our waterways and pollutes them slowly but steadily. The treatment of industrial waste water is not only possible by chemical methods, such as precipitation, with the addition of a flocculant. The company UVion offers, with the UVelox technology, an electro-flocculation which eliminates all the ingredients of the water, ranging from heavy metals, to colors to surfactants. The waste water can then be led into the rivers and seas. Modularly expandable and adapted to the respective needs, eliminating unnecessary costs and idle time of the equipment. Even the filter residues are out-oxidized completely and require no special treatment, they can easily be disposed, as they possess only a very low residual moisture and have a similar consistency as dried mud. UVion helps the environment by eliminating pollutants from the waste water. UVion helps the companies to purify their water in a way that protects the environment and follows the legal guidelines.